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Pregnancy Follow-Up In Turkey

Pregnancy Follow-Up In Turkey

What is Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a condition that occurs during sexual intercourse or artificially (in vitro fertilization, vaccination) after fertilization of the egg in the woman with the sperm formed in the man.

It begins with the attachment of the fertilized egg to the surface of the uterus.Naturally, the period of decantation of the egg fertilized during intercourse into the uterus is about 7-8 days.

In a period where everything is normal, pregnancy takes approximately 9 months, our medical follow-up is evaluated over the week account and the average pregnancy time is 40 weeks. The pregnancy process is a process that needs to be closely monitored and is also sensitive to the mother and to the baby.

What is Pregnancy Follow-Up?

Pregnancy Follow-Up: This process, which begins with the fact that the expectant mother suspects pregnancy, the symptoms first begin, and as a result, she learns about pregnancy, begins with their application to us. During this process, the doctor checks the health of the baby and the mother at specific intervals, listens to your mother's complaints and informs the parents accordingly.

Why should pregnancy follow-up be performed?

Having a doctor for following pregnancy is a requirement for you to have an approachable doctor and for your doctor to be able to diagnose correctly and apply the correct treatment methods, as he knows your complaints in general.

Importance of pregnancy follow-up

It is important to carry out the checks in the pregnancy monitoring and must not be disrupted in order to be able to intervene when predictable or unpredictable situations occur. It is your doctor's duty to determine the best treatment for maintaining mother and baby health.

What Tests Should Be Done Before Pregnancy?

Tests Pre-Pregnancy;

  • Gynecological Examination and Smear Test,
  • Hemogram (Blood Count) Test,
  • Blood Coagulation Test,
  • Blood Type,
  • Urinalysis,
  • Torch Tests,
  • Thyroid Tests,
  • Chromosome Tests,
  • Pelvic Ultrasonography,

1- Gynecological Examination and Smear Test

If a planned pregnancy is being considered and a smear test has not been performed in a period earlier than 1 year, it should be performed no later than 3 months before pregnancy. This test is performed by sending a sample taken from the cervix to the pathology, and as a result of the test, the cases of cervical cancer or lesion formation are checked.

2- Hemogram Test

In this test, in which the number and density of blood cells are measured, anemia and platelets, which are the smallest part of blood cells, which we call blood pullets, are measured.

3- Blood Coagulation Test

When the result of blood clotting tests is not normal, it can lead to consequences such as repeated miscarriages, pregnancy poisoning, premature birth, and the baby dying in the womb. This condition, which is very important for pregnancy, can harm both the baby and the mother.

4- Blood Group

It is one of the tests that should definitely be done before pregnancy is considered. By determining the blood groups of the expectant mother and father, it can be concluded whether there is such a risk.

If the blood type of the expectant mother is Rh – and the blood type of the prospective father is Rh +, it can be said that there is a blood incompatibility. In this case, if the baby's blood type is +, the blood mixes with the mother, creating problems. However, if the pregnancy is carried out in a controlled manner from the beginning and precautions are taken, this problem may disappear. A mismatch needle (Rhogam) may need to be performed at certain intervals.

5- Urinalysis

The absence of urinary tract infection is very important for a healthy pregnancy. Urinalysis is important in terms of detecting these problems before pregnancy and diagnosing it if you have a disease that you do not know about.

Urinary tract infections and vaginal discharge / infections that continue during the pregnancy process can lead to many serious problems from premature birth to infection in the baby.

6- Torch Tests

Some infections that are actively present or have been passed on in the expectant mother may increase the likelihood of an anomaly in the baby. These tests investigate whether there is an infectious disease in our expectant mother's blood or if you have had an infectious disease some time ago. These situations should be controlled with precision.

In cases where these are unknown, damages may occur in the mother or baby, or it may be followed up as a high-risk pregnancy, and in some cases, the pregnancy may need to be terminated.

7- Thyroid Tests

It is known that thyroid hormone is highly effective on infant brain development. For this reason, we recommend that expectant mothers planning a pregnancy should definitely take these tests, especially if they have had thyroid disease in their past and thyroid disease in their family history.

Which is currently responsible for an important part of the miscarriage, but the most common cause of preventable intelligence stress is the disorder found in thyroid function tests. Therefore, it is extremely important that the thyroid function test values continue within a certain range or are treated deavm from the start of pregnancy.

8- Chromosome Tests

Chromosome tests, which are one of the tests that should be performed when pregnancy is planned, are especially important for inbreeding, people who have had genetic problems in their family history. In addition, in general, pregnancies over the age of 35 are evaluated in the risk pregnancy category and genetic screenings to be performed on the baby are of more importance.

After the blood test taken, these problems can be detected and appropriate pregnancy paths can be taken through it. The average duration of this test is 20 days.

9- Pelvic Ultrasonography

In this control, internal organs are controlled with sound waves. It is used to detect abnormalities in the ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus or cervix, and bladder. It is a procedure in which pain and hurt are not felt.

Should a Doctor Be Visited Every Month During Pregnancy?

4 for normal pregnancies. once a month, 4. 9 with the moon. twice a month between the month, 9. after the month, we wait every week for our mother-to-be to come in for an check-up. These times may vary depending on the condition of the mother and baby in abnormal pregnancies.

How to follow up on pregnancy?

After a urine test or a blood test, the pregnancy follow-up will begin from the moment she sees the pregnancy symptom and applies to the doctor. After blood tests, urine tests and other tests are performed on the mother and the baby, a program is created based on the health of the mother and the baby, and the condition is monitored according to the duration of pregnancy within this program.

1-3. Lunar Pregnancy Follow-Up

In the first trimester, the neck thickness test (nuchal translucency) is measured within the first 3 months of pregnancy and the binary test is performed. This test primarily refers to screening tests to determine whether there is a risk of down syndrome (trisomy 21) and trisomi 13 trisomy 18.

11 at the earliest for the neck thickness test. week, 14 at the latest. week is set as time. The neck thickness test is not taken before or after this time. Tests outside this range may contain less accurate information.

With ultrasonographic results for the baby, the head-to-butt distance (week) measurement of the infant’s neck is the view of the nasal bone, as well as many factors such as maternal weight pregnancies, hereditary diseases, which have been evaluated, the blood values from the mother are calculated and give us a risk ratio.

Additional diagnostic tests may be required for risky results. Parents are informed on this risk rate.

3-6. Lunar Pregnancy Follow-Up

The second 3 months of pregnancy are called the second Trimester period. In this period, tests are usually performed for mothers who do not have a dual test during the first trimester period.

If a risk is detected for the mother or baby after three or four tests, it is possible to take amniotic fluid and take care of the baby's condition. In this period, further tests can be performed based on detailed ultrasound, blood flow measurement (uterine artery doppler) and mother's age and risk.

6-9. Lunar Pregnancy Follow-Up

Now that the baby is getting heavy, our mother-to-be may have a little more trouble. In the digestive system, complaints such as back pain, constipation and numbness can occur.

Your doctor may recommend appropriate treatment or exercises to relieve you of these issues until the final months of your pregnancy.

If no prior cases have been found in the case of diabetes or first-degree relatives do not have diabetes, a sugar-loading test will be performed at this time for the mother's candidate. We often ask questions about this and tell our patients that the sugar test is necessary and important.

For the health of the baby and the mother, it is important to carry out this loading test. Although it may not be vitally direct, it can be avoided by the birth, the weight of birth, and therefore the mother's suffering. It is also important for the foresight for complications that may occur in the baby. In this period, in cases where there is a blood dispute, a needle is given for blood mismatch.

with the start of 7 months, the program is carried out and followed to the mother's nominee once a month. Since the pregnancy can now be an early birth condition, it is time for labor preparations to begin. Entering approximately 30 weeks will be followed periodically by a device called the maternal candidate NST, where we can view the health status of the baby.

What Tests Are Done During Pregnancy?

Tests performed during pregnancy;

  • Blood test,
  • Urine test,
  • Dual screening test,
  • Ultrasonography,
  • Triple-quadruple screening test,
  • If there is a risk in triple-quadruple scan results, Chorionic Villi and Amniocentesis,
  • Ultrasonography,
  • Sugar supplement.

What are the blood tests performed during pregnancy?

The first of the blood tests is a pregnancy test in the blood, which is performed if it has not been detected before. Ectopic pregnancy or pregnancies with the possibility of miscarriage are detected by this method.

A healthy BetaHCG increase, that is, what is looked at in the blood test performed after determining a healthy pregnancy, we can list as follows:

  • Anemia,
  • Coagulation tests,
  • Liver function tests,
  • Determination of the Blood Group,
  • Thyroid function tests,
  • Hepatitis B/C,
  • HIV,
  • Rubella,
  • Toxoplasma,
  • CMV,
  • Sexually Transmitted Diseases.

Which Tests are performed in which weeks in pregnancy?

As we mentioned earlier in the week-to-week pregnancy test, the following tests are being performed. In summary, these tests are conducted in general. Additional tests may be performed based on your mother's health history, family history of illness or the development of the baby.

  • 11-14. Weeks-to-weeks Tests: Neck Thickness (NT) and Dual scans (blood test).
  • 15-20. Tests conducted between weeks: Triple – Quad Test, if necessary, amniocentesis is carried out according to their results.
  • 18-22. Weeks-to-weeks Tests: Advanced ultrasonography (USG) (anomaly scan).
  • 24-28. Weeks-to-weeks Tests: Sugar loading test and ultrasonography if necessary.

What should I do for a healthy Pregnancy?

For a healthy pregnancy, you have to first accept that your high levels of hormones will change, there may be physiological and psychological changes, and that they are normal. In this process, we need to pay attention to mental health as much as possible, watch what we eat, drink, and stay away from smoking and alcohol.

You shouldn't be paying attention to what is said in the process of pregnancy monitoring, and you shouldn't believe everything you read. You can ask questions to your doctor who follows your pregnancy with any questions you have in mind. During this process, you will be relieved to exercise, listen to soothing music and behave in accordance with your changing body.

Staying away from magnetic fields, following doctor's advice in nutrition, consuming plenty of water is very important for both you and your baby's health. It is also important to avoid heavy meals by reducing caffeine-containing products as much as possible to ensure a comfortable pregnancy.

It is extremely important not to drink herbal tea and medicines you do not know during your gestations.

from week 20 onwards, the feeling of baby's movements is informative to the health of the baby, and any bleeding and regular pain (whatever the severity) that may occur during the entire pregnancy are emergencies that require you to contact your doctor immediately.

Op. Dr. Barış Korkmaz
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Op. Dr. Barış KorkmazOp. Dr. Barış KorkmazGynecology and Obstetrics Specialist
0532 223 2379
0532 223 2379